Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rapid Character Building

That's what it is! Rapid character building. I finally get why I can't get away with anything lately.

I have been placed in everyone's shoes every time I made a comment or posed a question. I have been pretty much forced to empathize with every situation. I have had my eyes opened to how certain things that I or others do make people feel. And now I get it. God is doing some rapid character building! Still not sure why, but at least I know what!

I realize now that some of the ways I do things offends people. For example, I am very 'business first'. I do away with small talk and such and go right into business. It is how I have always been. Almost as if I need to know if I can relax or do I have to do your job for you. It's not personal, it's just the way I operate. Recently, one of my roommates and I had a conversation about that, and brought it to my attention that she's exactly the opposite in that manner. She likes to say hello, and get the general 'how are you' questions out of the way first.

Also, I am very hard on a select few people. I have no idea why, I just am. And God has definitely shown me that I have no right to correct ANYONE and that I'm not giving everyone the attitude of Christ I am commanded to.

And, I make sharp comments sometimes, again, only to a short list of people. It's not out of dislike or anything, but it happens. And it has to stop.

In the past month, I have been corrected by a laundry list of people. I have had to make some hard calls that were crushing to my will (a good thing). And I have been bombarded with how God expects me to act in contrast with how I am acting...

Rapid Character Building. It's not my favorite lesson and I still don't know why I'm being taught it now, but here's what I have to say:

Bring it on, God. Bring it on.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sound the Battle Cry

Under attack
Under attack
I'm under attack
and I can't look back.

I feel it. I feel the attack. It's coming from many different directions and it's driving me CRAZY!

It is absolutely maddening, and I struggle to continually remember that "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

But boy oh boy would it be easier to go off on another person for things they say, they way they say them, or the little irritating things they do.

I know, I KNOW, that it's not personal and I have no right to be offended, but I get so upset anyway.

Anyhow, since I can't give details, that's all I have to say. I am under attack and it's not weakening me, just pissing me off.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

And the Pressure Builds...

So, more and more I feel these emotions out of nowhere. Like the urge to cry, a feeling of heaviness, and now this anticipation.

I don't know what I am anticipating, but I feel like it's going to be a change. And it makes me nervous. I mean, my life is completely, in God's hands...which is what makes me nervous. He likes to make examples out of people and do crazy 'move you across the world and work harvesting figs' stuff with people. But he also likes to do 'let me introduce you into a whole new understanding of my love for all people' stuff.

So, I accept whatever is happening. Praise God for warning. Heh.





Friday, October 24, 2008

Jesus wept...

So, lately, I have been having the urge to cry. Not boo-hoo, but just to cry. I don't know why. The only thing I can think of is that God is answering my prayer to break my heart for what breaks His, and give me compassion for what gives Him compassion, to love what He loves and hate what He hates.

Um, I guess that's all for now. I just wanted to post something. If anyone has a scripture they would like me to blog about, I'd love the challenge.

I love all of you more than I know.

In Christ,


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Look hard enough...

...and you will find a flaw in everything.

Lately, man, lately I have seen multiple flaws in everyone. And I mean everyone, including myself. It seems as if the past few weeks have been a time of my eyes opening to the fact that people are flawed. Can I just say this before I go on: I HATE seeing flaws in people. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. There is nothing that I wouldn't choose over discovering another person's flaws.

No matter what, who, or why, every single day I have noticed flaws in at least one person. And it sucks majorly. So, now, I have to dissect why I expect certain people to meet certain standards, if they are meeting them, and what right or reason I have to be disappointed.

Man, I feel so heavy right now. I wish I had never seen the things I have this past month. And I don't know if it's God or what, but I know of no one in Tallahassee that has not let me down in some way this semester. And that makes me really sad. But again, why do I feel let down? What is my personal stake in their actions?

Another thing, I am not responding well to it. I have not yet learned how to process character and personality flaws while still interacting normally with the person. Their personal shortcomings affect me directly. I have not mastered letting my spirit take over when my mind is reeling from what just happened. I guess one day I'll get it down. Until then, I am amazed at how much I missed in the people around me.

*slightly distressed*


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Right Hand man...

So, while on only day one of fasting, I was at work and God gave me a somewhat entertaining analogy. So, I'm sitting down, putting pipet tips in holders before autoclaving them (sorry, lab nerd jargon) and I have been slowly trying to make my left hand more dexterous. Anyway, I am fumbling, trying to get these little plastic pieces into holes with my left hand, thinking "I just gotta figure out how to get my left hand to do what I want it to do" and God told me this:
Sometimes, this is how I feel with my children.

*WHOA* Crazy thought right?

Here's what I got from that. Some of us, are like God's right hand, we always do what He wants, and we do it efficiently and smooth. But others, we are like His left hand. Which He uses, but is still trying you to get to do exactly what He wants done. Are we the left hand that just get the job done but a little sloppily? Do we skip a tedious task just to finish quicker? Are we short-handing God? Are we the hand that He can't always depend on, because sometimes we just don't get it?

Well, I am. At least, I was. I am now striving much harder to do the will of my God immediately and proficiently. I take Ezekiel 12:6 as my own : So I did as I was commanded. What a simple, yet ridiculously challenging verse.

I challenge you saints today- Do as you are commanded. Be God's right hand man (or woman). Stay in His will and love like no one's business.

I love you all.

In Christ,


Friday, September 19, 2008

Dream? Not so much...

So, had a couple crazy dreams last night, only one of which seems even remotely spiritual, and that is the one I will write here.

So, I am in my apartment, alone. It is dark and just overall gloomy outside, maybe even storming. Anyway, there is this man, dressed in dark colors, standing outside of my sliding glass doors. I know that he is a stalker. And not a 'let's have babies together stalker'. But a, ' if I ever get my hands on you I am going to kill you slowly' stalker. So moving on, this guy is standing outside of my back door and he is completely scaring me. And, I don't know if he says it or what, but he tells me something like, "If you think I'm scary, wait until you meet my brother."

I go in my bedroom and close my door, as if that will keep him out.

So, next day (or whatever) I have notified the proper authorities that there is a man who knows where I live that is stalking me. They send someone and there is a lady security person outside of my front door with a podium. The original stalker guy comes to my front door and the security lady tells him that he has been identified as a stalker and cannot get into my house. At this point, I know he is outside and I am hiding behind my couch. (There are 2 couches parallel to each other.) After a few minutes, he charms her and she lets him in, and they sit on the couch and start to chat. I am pushing myself so far into the couch that I have almost become the couch. So, I move to behind the other couch in my apartment, incredulous that the lady let this psycho in my house. But there was no way I was allowing him to know that I was home.

At this point, I wake up and am told to say out loud, "I rebuke the spirit of fear." But I don't. Instead, I go back to sleep. I do not have the dream again.


So, a few things that I picked up on:
I am scared of something.
I am helpless in the dream.
I employ the help of unreliable, unprotective security.
Jesus told me to do something, and I did not.

If anyone can give me any more insight into the message that was my dream, it is greatly appreciated.
Love you all.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It has just come to my attention...

...that this fight is raging now as much as in the days of the first apostles. And, if called to do so, it can be a fight to the death.

Ross Middleton's blog speaks of some organic Jesus freaks imprisoned for their faith. Read, pray and exercise any influence you have.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this is mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
-Ephesians 6:18


Friday, September 12, 2008

Who are you? Part II

Where are you finding your identity?
Do you love your family and friends more than you love God?
Friends: Proverbs 12:26-A righteous man is cautious in friendship
1 Corinthians 15:33-Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."
In our circles, we should "Be a thermostat and not a thermometer." Set the temperature, don't confirm it.
Galatians 1:10 question, who are we trying to please, God or man? We are responsible for ourselves now.
Family: The 10 Commandments were written in a certain order, first to obey God, and then to honor our parents. Amy brought up that there is a big difference in honoring (respecting, serving, loving, being there for) our parents and pleasing them.
Moral: Don't live your life to constantly please people, Jesus didn't. John 5:1-9 Jesus upset, likely, the same religious leaders who he had studied under.
Quote time: "Any dead thing can go with the stream, but it takes a living thing to go against it."
Do you love yourself more that you love God? Do you try to meet your own standards first or God's standards? 1 Corinthians 8:6 encourages us not to live for ourselves, but for Jesus.
Romans 12:3
Psalm 139:14 - We have been MADE, we were created. Be identified by the one who created you.
How to practically find your identity in Christ:
1. Look at your state before God. Do you know God as well as He knows you?
2. Understand how much God loves you.
3. Read the Bible-know what God says about you.
4. Believe what God says about you. It is first a choice, and then a reality. The Epistles encourage us to TAKE HOLD of the promises of God.
  • Read into Scripture, don't just read over it.
Lastly, God spoke this over us, Psalm 144:12-
Then our sons in their youth
will be like well-nurtured plants,
and our daughters will be like pillars
carved to adorn a palace.
Amy broke down the original Hebrew for us.
well-nurtured: This means that you are growing, developing, trained.
plants: This says that you are firmly established, fixed in a state of fellowship with God.
pillars: details and proportion depend on your Maker, you are supporters, you unite, you can be leaned on, you cannot stand alone. You are beautiful inside and out, you are made of something more than yourself. when attack comes at you, pillars, it will be in the form or isolation, because a pillar cannot stand alone. Demolishionists target pillars, because if the pillars fall, the whole building comes down. (think about that one for a moment) And pillars, lastly, become monuments, they are still standing long before the rest of the building collapses.
The word pillar, in the original Hebrew, can never be used alone, it must be used in a group, it is not singular.
Identity is so important brothers and sisters, because:
"How you view yourself directly affects who you are, what you will do, and how you will do it."

Who are you?

So, I am dedicating this post to the message taught last night at ENCM. The beautiful Amy Middleton spoke about Identity during our ongoing Love Revolution series. Open your eyes, ears and hearts, this message is one for the books.

  • "How you view yourself directly affects who you are, what you will do, and how you will do it."
Usually people think this goes back to self-esteem. But, I must agree, as Amy pointed out, that self-esteem is a flawed thought process. Self-esteem is mostly feelings-based: depending on how you look, your social status, how you look, your accomplishments, etc. Also, feeling like you're constantly striving to get to the next season, or part, of your life may also be a 'self-esteem' centered problem.
Amy presented some catchy but true quotes.
"The way you leave one season is how you're going to enter the next."
"The grass is not greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it."
Our current society so often speaks of 'finding yourself' or 'defining who you are'. How can you identify something you know so little of? This quote sounds weird, but is simple:
"Trying to identify oneself is like trying to bite one's own teeth."

God identified Jesus before Jesus' ministry even began, right after Christ's water baptism. (Luke 3:21-23)
Jesus identified Simon, by calling him Peter, which means rock, and declaring it into Peter's future. (John 1:40-42)
In the same way, 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that we are a new creation in Christ, so we have to find out identity in Christ.

When identity is found in other things, it leads to insecurities.
Even leading into 'false humilities'. One example of false humility is saying that you are humble but thinking that you are worthless inside. Some characteristics of finding your identity and worth in things other than Christ are: being a people pleaser; having a performance mentality; always needing a boyfriend or girlfriend; being a perfectionist; overly concerned about your looks; fearful of man/unsocial, maybe because you've been hurt in a past relationship.

So that's insecurity, what does security look like?
Security- living according to the reality that God is my hope, security, and identity.
2 Corinthians 5:5-6 says that God gives us His Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
Here come more quotes: "Men are most endangered when they feel most secure."
"Tell me who you love and I will tell you who you are."
"Your identity changes how you perceive reality."

So, how do I find my identity in Christ? The message is finished in my next blog.

Monday, September 1, 2008


So, this is not a post about my undying lust for a husband. It is, however, about the different feelings I have been going through lately. So, if you like, MEN, stop reading here. I'm gonna get a little transparent.

As Derek has said, it has been the summer of love for ENCM. And I love seeing people get together, I am a sucker for a cute couple. And in no way am I dissatisfied with my King, but my thoughts have wandered a bit, lately.

Previously, I was under the incorrect assumption that you have to be completely satisfied with God before He would put you in a relationship, now I know better. Anyway, on to more important tangents, I have a problem that I will briefly (ha!) share with you.

So, I met a guy over summer who is pretty set on being with me. He has told me, and I quote, "I will wait years, if I have to. I want to call you 'Sweetheart'."

So, only a few problems with that, um, I am not, as far as I see it, in any position to be married, and he, at this point, cannot be my spiritual leader. Another problem, I want to be someone's sweetheart, and I just about melt when he says it. Does he know this, no, but I have told him before to stop calling me anything other than my name, but every once in a while he will anyway. Lastly, it's not that I'm not attracted to the guy, but IF there were a time for us, it is definitely not now.

And another thing, I get hit on... a lot. And not to brag, because it really makes me uncomfortable. No matter where I go, I am sought out and, like, bothered. The only thing I can think of is that they see the Jesus in me and want that love, but I, personally, cannot deliver it.

It's been a while, and I am beginning to learn about myself. I know my weaknesses and desires. I know that someone calling me sweetheart is going to going bad pretty quickly, I also know that certain ways that men touch me will send me reeling. Not in a "head over heels in love with you because you put your arm around my waist". More like in a "I would like my husband to do that", kind of deal.

Whatever, lately, it's just been crazy. I had someone ask me, "As a Christian, do you go through a million changes every day over relationships and stuff?"
And my response was as true as I could make it, "It's not easy, but I know why I'm doing it. But it is a minute by minute battle sometimes, especially when maternal desires are triggered in me. I want to be a good mother, and a good wife, but first I have to be a good daughter. And I remind myself 'God is not keeping me from something, but for something.' "

So, in conclusion of a ramble, lately, a new desire for someone to lay next to at night has been kindled, and I don't know if it's me or God. I know in part that it is my desire. I know that I desire affection that can be returned with a pure heart, and a clean marriage bed. But I also know that I want to do crazy stuff all around the world and the country before I have obligations such as a husband or children. How do I reconcile that with God's time line, which is definitely not my own?

Prayer, please, saints. I love all of you and you are all forever in my prayers. Have a nice night.


Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. -Hebrews 13:4

Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?-Ecclesiastes 4:11

Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.-Genesis 3:16

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. -Ephesians 5:3

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. -Ephesians 2:10

Monday, August 18, 2008

It's laundry day!

"Blessed are those who wash their robes..."

Haha. Jesus supported laundry. It's not really laundry day, that's tomorrow. The point I'm making is this: Every day is laundry day, every day we need to wash our robes in the blood of Christ and re-shoulder our cross.

My devotional this morning was to find an obscure scripture...didn't work too well, but this was where I turned to.

Anywho, Revelation 7:14-17 promises excellent working conditions for those whose robes are made white in the blood of the Lamb. As a child, I did not understand how something could be washed in red and come out white, didn't make sense to me, and was never fully explained. Now, I know that we're not talking colors here, we're talking appearance before God. It's not possible for a soiled, dirty robe to be washed in red blood, and come out white. But it is definitely possible that a soiled, dirty robe can be immersed and covered in the blood of the pure and perfect Christ and come out without stain.
Glad you asked.
Imagine, if you will, that we are all born with white robes. Every bad thing we do adds a deep, dark stain to our once spotless white robes. Every wandering of the eye, and purposeful evil deed just makes our robes dirtier and dirtier. One day, we realize that our previously beautiful garment is disgusting and it shames us, we are sure that everyone can see our dirt. So we do all we can to cover it up. We try to conceal the stains of our garments with friends with robes darker than ours, we try to just embrace the appearance of our robe by continuing to make it worse, we even try to clean it ourselves-sure that religious rituals will get the job done, that just stepping foot inside a church will clean us up.
Eventually, after all the covering up, ignoring, and futile attempts to clean it ourselves fail, we look for more help. And, voila, the Jesus who has always been there, strong, mighty hand extended, offers a solution. Jesus lived a perfect life, his appearance never marred by evil thoughts or actions. His solution? If you cover yourself in His blood, which was ultimately shed for you, then when God looks at you, God will see you as spotless.
Worth a try, right? Nothing else worked, and this Jesus character seems pretty legit. You hand over your robe, and Jesus literally washes your robe in His own blood. Even more surprising is that, when He hands it back, it's not red, but the whitest white you've ever seen.

Yes, Jesus has done it for countless humans, and He can do it for you, too.
Whether you've known Jesus all your life, have been recently reunited, or you never even met the guy, it's laundry day. Take your robe, which is sure to have some kind of stain on it, to the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).

Be of the many who "have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."

Praying to see you at the end of the world blowout.
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39)

Amen, Jesus, let it be so.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What's YOUR problem?

Many times, when we hear this phrase, we are immediately on the defensive, ready to rebut with "I don't have a problem. What's your problem?"

But my question to you tonight is: What is your problem? Where does your struggle lie? What keeps you from being honest with your Creator?

My problem, would have to be selfishness. From my sins to my song choices, it's all about me. I was actually pretty convicted about this, to the point that I changed my facebook profile picture because the shirt I was wearing said: It's all about me.

So, child of majesty, where does your problem lie? What is binding you to a complacency with a missed mark? What past issue, disobedience, person, or pastime prevents a greater intimacy with the King?

I read a verse today in James, that said if a believer didn't have wisdom, he should ask for it, because God would freely give it, if he does not doubt.

I beseech you, Brother, I earnestly ask you, Sister, to ask God for wisdom in your life. Ask Him to reveal why you haven't grown in 2 months, ask Him what you can do to make your witness more powerful. Inquire of the Lord what His good, pleasing, and perfect will is. Stand before the throne and ask God who you should be pouring your life into, praying for, checking up on.

This may seem unrelated to you, but if I only speak to one, if I only speak to myself, I will have listened to the gentle nudging of my Lord, and be working in the covenant I made with the One who breaks no promises.

I love you all. See you very, very soon. Hugs all around!

As said from a previous post:
What my life boils down to: Love my Lord, Obey my Master, Serve my King.

Goodnight, saints.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Wow...My Savior. My Savior. He's amazing.

While showering, I had to be honest with myself. All the scrubbing in the world could not wash away the dirt and shame that I felt. No amount of soap, or designer shampoo would get rid of the feeling of darkness over me. I could soak in rubbing alcohol and dry off with a Brillo pad, and it would be to no avail. Only the precious, perfect, powerful blood of the perfect Lamb, Jesus Christ, can remove my dirty sins.

You know, sometimes it's hard for me to get over my stereotypes.
I have 2 examples, one, of the mindset that Mexican are dirty people. I heard it so much in America, that, before I could go on my mission trip, God had to deal with me. I had to practice saying the word 'Mexican'. I had to intentionally change my view. It was hard, and even now I have to stop and check what I'm saying or thinking about any group-because it's never true of a majority.
The other example would be prayer. I have always been under the influence that prayer MUST be solemn, and very serious. As a Christian acknowledging Jesus as Lord, and not just Savior, it's a pretty daunting thing to tackle. I, even now, consciously tell myself that Prayer=talking to God. If I don't, I find myself putting off prayer because I am not somewhere quiet, completely shut of from the world. I am in no wise saying that prayer can not be done in those settings, but it's not mandatory. There won't always be times where we can go off and just pray. There will be times where we will be forced to pray where we stand. If you hear nothing else, hear this: Prayer is talking to your best, most intimate, favorite Friend ever, who just happens to hold your life and soul in His hands. Yes, prayer will be solemn. But prayer is communication in the most important relationship of your earthly existence. Talk to God. Prayer is just talking to God, you can even smile. Enjoy talking to God, He does.

Sorry that was such a chunk. What I really came to write this blog about was a tangent of surrender. While having a revelation overload, I saw a picture of myself, if you will. And I was saying this to Jesus, :
Lord, I want to be completely under your control. I sacrifice myself right now, at the altar. I want you to guide me. Lord, I want to say, "I've picked up my cross Lord. Where to? I want to be so full of you that everyone I meet will forget my name and remember Yours. That they will not remember what I said, but know that You spoke to them. That they would be drawn to You. That they will know that You exist, and You love them."

I don't know guys, I am just so full of God right now.

Another thing, it says somewhere in 1 Peter, that we should always be ready to given an account for the joy that we have, but to do it with gentleness and respect. And I was just practicing what I would say on God (Excellent audience if I may say so), and it went something like this.
That someone, like the early church, would grab me, and ask me what was different about me. And I would respond in a likewise manner, "I am at a place in my life where I have someone who cares for me. He makes sure that I have something to eat, somewhere to go, someone to talk to. He insures that I am never alone. He always does what is best for me. He completely rules my life, and yet He is not controlling. He advises me in all things, but forces me to do nothing. I have no problem serving Him, no qualms with doing as He wishes, because He has never thought twice about sacrificing everything for me. He gave up all of His comfort to be with me. He was beaten, made fun of, spit on, and killed for me, but he never opened His mouth to defend Himself. He endured ridicule and hatred, just so He could have a relationship with me." At this point I would probably be shaking my head, then I would add, "And He wants the same peace of mind, and relationship with you, as I have with Him. Jesus Christ, Son of God, aches for your heart to beat for Him. He desires to lavish His love on you, as He does on all those who acknowledge Him. Would you like to know how to obtain that love?"

Lengthy, I know, but I am hard-pressed to describe my King in less words. Family, I love you all. Operate in your gifts-God knows what He's doing. Trust Him-even when you don't have to. That's it for this princess.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What's up withchu?

Yo yo yo!
I have lots to tell all of you. So, I'm going to do a very brief synopsis of it all.

Prayer: My prayer life has not been my shining glory lately. It's been pretty good, don't get me wrong, but I feel like I didn't pray for some things that God definitely could have used to build my testimony and show me his great power. My devotional time has been a hard fight, and I have yet to back down-nor will I ever.

Visions and such: So, some of you may know that I have seen angels before. And of those few, few others know that I continue to see one angel in particular. Well, I've seen him again, and this time I think I know his name.
Also, had a dream last night, a really, really scary dream. The gist of it was: There were demons trying to kill my soul, and get me to let this use my body to do their dirty work. It wasn't until after I thought about it this morning when I woke up that I realized it. So, guess who's now really on guard. Thank God for His merciful updates.

Schoolin': I worked ~ 25 hours a week at Krispy Kreme while taking 2 classes and moving...twice. Anywho, I was taking a First Aid class, and Trigonometry. I worked hard in my classes and at my job. God rewarded me with TWO A's! (Oh, I can't seem to locate my First Aid certification card, please pray that I find it.)
And in the coming Fall: I will be taking a 3rd Spanish course, Organic Chemistry, Genetics, a class for my child sciences minor, and, again, Biology II Lab-Animal Diversity. Please pray for me brothers and sisters, that I can be excellent in everything for our King.

Recap: Well, that was pretty much it. I can't wait to see all of you again. I'll be coming down the 20th or 21st, so can I get some ground control for safe traveling please?

I am so much better at asking for prayer nowadays. Praise God people!

Psalm 40.

love you all.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Welcome to July

Hey loved ones,
I miss writing in this blog. I have had a great time getting caught up with all the ENCM news and happenings, see you guys next weekend!
Anyway, here's what I have been up to lately: Taking 2 classes this summer. Including a first aid class that I think should be really fun. Working part-time at Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Acing my first math quiz (Praise God!) Not getting enough sleep. Writing, printing and soon-to-be sending out my mission trip newsletter. Praying.

So what's the news with you guys. I miss all of you and can't wait to come down next weekend. Oh, who wants to give me a ride to the Champions for Christ events?

Love you all. Oh, my phone is off right now, so if you're trying to call...sorry. Hit me online and I'll try to call you back within a day or so.
Did I say I loved you already? I reallt do guys, if you ever need anything, if you have to reach me by carrier pidgeon, I can be reached. Sleep well. Praying for you.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So, i totally know that it's has been well over a month since my last blog. i apologize. Also, this post won't be grammatically correct or proper, sorry liz.

But i have experienced so much in the last 6 or so weeks. i have been outside of the country and way outside of my comfort zones. i have seen and heard some things that have upset me, and things that have brought me to tears. I am finding it hard to live at home again after 2 years of freedom and responsibility. And i am seriously missing all of you.

I hope to blog again soon. But i am still alive and kickinh satan's butt. You guys are all still with me right?

Don't lose your fire. I pray that each of you will not only fall in love with God again every week, but that you'll be set on fire and others will catch. i miss and love you guys so much. Can't wait to hear everything the summer has brought each of you. feel free to leave a comment.

oh, and i am so jealous of Supernatural Sundays! I wish i could come!

love love love love love you guys. Praying for you ALL.

Keep Christ as head and stay in line, sometimes it's hard to be in a relationship with someone who's always right-so work at it.

did i tell you i loved you already?

call me people. text me. see you guys soon.

Monday, April 21, 2008


No, I am not done with finals, so this isn't an end of the year entry. But you know what I realized today?
I love my FREEDOM!

Take today, for example:
  1. Up at 7:30am.
  2. 2 final exams.
  3. Lunch in the union.
  4. Hung with Keith, Niegel and Phil a little.
  5. 3rd exam.
  6. Back to the room.
  7. Dinner and movie with Liz.
  8. Home at ~11:30pm.
Not once did I have to check in with anyone, make sure anyone had been fed, put to bed, assured of my love. I mean, wow what freedom! I now have a new revelation of what all the ministers are talking about! I don't have any real responsibilities of my own yet.

Take the mission trip I'm going on in summer:
I don't have to coordinate with my work.
I don't have to check with my spouse.
I don't have to make sure my kids are taken care of.
No bills to pay in advance.
I am completely free to just go as I feel God is telling me.

Doesn't that blow your mind! I am finally embracing and understanding this whole 'Season of Singleness' deal! I mean... WHAT FREEDOM!!!

Man, praise God for new revelations and understanding. I pray that God continues to use me fully as a tool of the Kingdom while I still have all the free time, and none of the responsibilities of 'adult life'.

I am amazed! I love my freedom!
WAHOO! Bring on the lost, Lord!
YOUR KINGDOM COME. My freedom used. Wahoo!!!

; )

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My, how the days have flown...

Wow, it's pretty much over. I am a little in shock that my second year as a college student is finishing out. What else flies by? Days, my blog says I haven't written anything in 3 that right?

So yeah, as my roommate blow dries her hair a mere 3 feet from me, I am reminded that it's almost over. I will soon be a third-year, off-campus-living, preparing for the MCAT college student. Scary. I am a little worried about some things, but I am excited for next year.

I will have my own room, a full kitchen, and a bathroom with only ONE other person. Yes! Plus, I will be a second semester servant leader for Every Nation Campus Ministries.

I am going to miss all of you very much. Man, I learned so much, in life, Christ and relationships, and I have the pictures to prove it!

So, in case you haven't figured it out yet, this blog has no particular point. I am just going to go into withdrawal away from all of you. I'll keep you all in my prayers. And try to blog something of substance later. Now: shower and study. Please pray for my finals. Thanks. Love you all!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What's so great about the Old Testament?

Here in Your presence I can't help but come undone.
Trembling before You I am ruined by Your touch.
I see Your glory rising, as all the darkness flees,
I feel Your heart of mercy, to set the nations free.
I hear the cry of Heaven, "Who will go for Us?"
Here I am! Lord, send me! Here I am! Lord, I'll go!

Yikes, sends shivers down my spine. I love worship songs. And the more I listen to them, the more I realize that many more than I thought come from almost pure Scripture. I feel very blessed by the Lord to be part of the church family that God sent me too. I also feel that every walk of life, color of skin, and musical preference is met at my church. I am not here to praise my church again, but this song got me going.

Anyway, in the past, I felt that the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible, Tenack or whatever other names Donny would like me to know it by) was a barely useful form of reference. I never thought it applied to me as a 21st century Christian, and I definitely didn't think it was of any importance to me personally. But lately, since reading through the Bible, God has been teaching and telling me many things. A LOT of them that deal with the Old Testament...but ALL of them deal with me. He's chosen verses out specifically for me, and except for church and ENCM events, I haven't cracked open the New Testament in weeks. God is proving a point.
  1. ALL of His word is relevant and alive. ( 2 Timothy 3:16)
  2. Wisdom and lessons taught in the Old Testament are critical to my life in Christ.
  3. Jesus read and memorized much of it, who do I think I am?
  4. The New Testament makes NO SENSE outside of its ties to the Old Testament.
  5. It is on purpose that many of my visions are similar to those in the Old Testament.
  6. Pay attention, there's so much more He has to tell me from the Old Testament, listen up.
  7. He till uses prophets and speaks to men face to face. Get ready.
So, yeah. I love it! I no longer flip right to the New Testament when I want to read my Bible. Instead, God will often lead me to Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Psalms. My Lord gave us so much wisdom and guidance, why did I think it was worthless? Anywho, pay attention! EVERY Scripture is God-breathed. And to me, that means well worth reading and loving. Keep seeking His face! I love you all with as much love as my little spirit can muster.

: )

Wednesday, what a day

  1. Not much has happened today.
  2. Spanish class was skipped because of oral exams and I did mine Monday.
  3. Got up and ate what I thought would be breakfast but Suwanee defined as lunch.
  4. Went to chemistry.
  5. Hung out, studied, ate, studied, talked to Reece and Ross, studied in the SAC office.
  6. Took my Lab Practical Final.
  7. Came to my room.
  8. About to go to a review session for my Chemistry final ~6:30-9:30...Wahoo! Then gonna come home and hopefully sleep.
  9. Well...gotta go get my chemistry on.
  10. I love you all!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fulfilling my obligation...

To continue to blog daily. Hey guys, hope all is well. More God stuff to report. God told me that Jeremiah was going to be my book, and that Jeremiah 1:5 is for me. So, that felt awesome, I almost cried, I mean, really. This whole 'turning your life over to God' thing almost makes me a water bag. Well, I have been feeling a little longing for someone special, asking God to work on that. I want to desire my Lord above all else. Amen!
Hmm, what else? I have been pretty good. Still working on getting my appetite back to normal, which probably isn't much more, as Liz can vouch for. I will work on getting more helpful supernatural stuff like Joel. Hope to get some good stuff up for you guys soon. I love you!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Yes yes yes!

Guess who received some awesome prophecies tonight? Yep, the whole LG gang! We invited some strong women, April and Amy to help us prophecy over our members, and man were we on a roll. I had never conducted a prophecy night before, but I love how the Holy Spirit was with us for over 3 hours and we merely had to ask. I heard some great words about humility, my future in ministering to women, and all kinds of crazy stuff. Praise God! I am super excited! I love Him! Do you? Thank you to Amy Middleton for coming and sharing her faith with us. Thank you to Ross Middleton for sharing his wife with us. And thank you to the Middleton boys, for donating their mother for a few hours. Thank you April Lupo for letting God use you! I love you all!

later family!

Friday, April 11, 2008


I read Ezekiel 12 because I asked God for a verse to meditate on and that is what He gave me. I read a verse that said "I did as I was commanded." And right before that I read Joel's post about using our voices when told to.

God spoke to me, but all I can remember Him saying is this: "Child, don't panic. I am with you. I want you to dream a dream. Of things to come. You will be a sign."


I lay back and try to clear my mind. I see a mental image of what I just read in Ezekiel, then my mind wanders to Rush Hour 3, and I try to clear it. As I try to push those images out of my mind, I see two men, clothed in white, and standing tall picking up and throwing/shoving things to the side, clearing my mind for me, until it is just them in a straight white path ahead of me and they stand together and speak as one voice "Son of Man, your city will be shaken, your city will be rocked, and the Lord God will show Himself with signs and wonders. The promptings of the Spirit will be heavy upon you, and you will do as you are commanded. You will speak when told to speak, and be silent when told to keep silent. As you have made a covenant to the Lord, you are now called to fulfill it. This day, we call heaven and earth as witnesses against you. Do not break the covenant with the Lord your God."

Then they raised their hands towards me, and said, "Be careful to do as you are commanded. God be with you."

Wow, that is a heavy promise. As they were speaking about heaven and earth I was scared. What a great witness against me. I know this was a word from God, so please, if I post this, pray for me and give any feedback you can. I love MY GOD! Hallelujah. He reigns!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So real it's surreal

Well, this is it, the final 18 hours. Man, feels strange. Now that I know I am eating soon, my body is screaming for food. I always find the last moments to be the hardest. Which means that I will be praying over my own food at Crispers, just to be sure. Haha. I am excited. I can't wait to take a seat, sit still, and just wonder at all that God has taught me and done in or through me during these last 15 days. To tell you the truth, I was never worried whether or not I would be able to make it 15 days, they flew by; What I was thinking of was-what am I going to want to eat when I finish? Anyway, be encouraged! This is the final stretch! Don't forget to pray extra hard-Thursday stands for finals week of Fall semester! I love you all very much. Gonna do homework and sleep as much as I can.

What my life comes down to:
Love my Lord, obey my Master, serve my King

Okay, so, I just have to share this

Alright, I know Liz did a post on chivalry, but I just gotta let you guys know about this.

Today, I was on Renegade (one of the campus buses) and I was sitting in one of the seats in the very back. Well, the bus got pretty full pretty quick, so people were standing in the aisle. Well, there were mostly men standing, but there were also quite a bit of ladies as well. Anyway, ONE guy got up and offered his seat to a girl. ONE! And no others followed suit. But anyway, my jaw about hit the floor. I wanted to give him a hearty pat on the back.

Point, I should not have been shocked. I should always want to show my support of his action, but I was very annoyed that more men did not get up and offer their seats to a woman. I mean, guys are all 'big, bad and stronger', well, give up your seat to the 'weaker sex'. This post has no real reason except to say that I commend him. And he was SHORT, so he could barely reach the overhead poles, so he hung onto the back of the seats...WOW!

*side note: I slipped a piece of paper in a pocket of his book bag praising him and awarding him man points for that-just so he knows it wasn't unnoticed.

I hope every other male on that bus was embarrassed(excluding the cripple, of course). It upsets me when men are not gentlemen. I have given up my seat for other women. Man up, males. Stand up!

I would have been proud to call that guy my friend in that moment. Bravo, stranger. Bravo!

Sorry, got carried away. Done.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Maybe you've heard this one before

So, after reading Joel's post, I was like: God, can I have a vision?

He answered, "Sure" and began to speak to me. I bowed my head down and listened.

* " "= God speaking* *anything else=me*

"There is a small tree by a stream. It had been planted for a while, but had not grown because no one was there to water it. One day, a small cloud came along, and watered the little tree. The tree began to grow. The cloud came back every day, and the little tree kept growing. One day, when the tree was about the size of a man, the cloud did not come. The tree waited another day, and yet the cloud did not come. Thirsty and growing weak, the tree pushed, strained, and grew one of its roots until it reached water. The tree received water from that root, and was satisfied. But only after 2 days, the tree was no longer satisfied with just receiving water from one root,, so it stretched another root in the same direction as the first, and was satisfied with two. But after a few days, 2 roots were still not enough. So the tree reached ALL of it's roots to the same place the first 2 roots had gone. Finding that all of it's roots were able to reach water, the tree realized that a flowing river that seemed to have no end was next to it all the time. And the tree could drink it's fill, never going without, continually able to satisfy it's ever-increasing thirst."

"Do you now what this means?"

Um, kind of. The tree is me, the cloud is Jesus, wait, the stream is...

"The tree is the young believer. The cloud are the spiritual nursers, as with a small child, an infant yet to be weaned. The stream is My Son, Jesus."

And the stream was there the whole time, able to be reached, if only we could realized it. Huh. God, can I just have a vision a day.

"Sure. You just need to listen."

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Day Nine, Feelin' Fine

I gotta tell you guys the vision God showed me as I began to pray around 4pm today. I was talking to God about my mission trip this summer, how NOTHING could ever make me doubt my security in Christ, absolutely nothing(I know it’s a strong statement). And to give me more of Him, more gifts, to stop limiting my faith, and this is what He showed me.

*Quotations=God. No quotes=me. Parentheses=what I saw*

“Alexia, you’re in a car on a highway. You’re speeding, but just above the speed limit. Those around you are going 200, 250 (mph) and you’re just over 100. What’s wrong with that?”

(I see my car, going about normal speed, but there are cars going around me, so fast I can barely see their color, just more than a blur.)

They’re going faster than me.


Because their Word is their fuel. The more they read it, the more goes into their gas tank, the faster they are able to go for longer amounts of time.

“Exactly. So what do you need to do?”

Read my Word more, so I can get more fuel, so I can go faster.

“Right. So you can all be going the same speed. “

(I see a line of cars, straight across, racing rapidly ahead, all lined up perfectly with each other)

“Then, My daughter, you can all stand and fight together against Satan for me, all able to fill each others tanks because you’re so close, all able to notice when another is slowing down, always able to keep your tanks full, because you’re pushing each other on. In a family like this, child, none will be left behind. Write it down.”

Yes, Sir.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Narrow Gate, Day Eight

Yo ho ho! How is everyone today? Swell I hope. Well, I am, I am JOYFUL. I heard an awesome on fire message from one of my brothers, Derek, and finished all of my homework, all before midnight! Haha! Praise God! You know, along with all that God is moving and changing inside of me, I am learning to appreciate the small things. Like genuine smiles, love from my brothers and sisters, security in my Messiah, something sweet on my tongue, comfort and warmth. I realize the luxury it is to eat when you're hungry. The effect a hug has on my mood. Can I just take a moment to be honest?

I cherish every member of my Every Nation Family. From crazy Susan, out-there Ross, funny Donny to encouraging Roberto, shy Joel, awesome-accent Donna. I mean, ALL OF YOU are such a blessing to me. Every single one of you God is using to teach me something, ways I can improve, mannerisms to drop, verses to memorize. I appreciate the rebukes, the questions, the odd looks to some things I say. You are all amazingly fantastic and I love what God is doing in you!

Okay, so, I have been having a blast on this fast. I've walked into a few delicious smells, and had to run away. Haha. But otherwise, I feel fine and I know that God is moving in me. I don't know, this is fun to me. Yeah, I want solid food, but it's not a very big deal. I don't know, fasting is hard, but I like it. The results and the process. I think that's because I used to be bad at processes and order of events, because my life was glazed over due to the fact that I wasn't living the life God called me to, and I was denying Him lordship over my life-so everything was a haze. Wow that was a long sentence. But yeah, so I enjoy all aspects of fasting, minus having to take it slowly afterward-but even in that I like being forced to moderate my actions. I LIVE for structure. I love set rules and procedures. Like medicine, I may not be ready for every case that comes in, but 9 time out of 10, there will be a procedure to follow, a way to wash my hands, papers to fill out, specific protective gear to wear, predictable. If I didn't feel like crying when someone yells at me, I would make an excellent soldier. I love dedication, being enveloped by my task, and doing repetitive things. So, the military would be for me, if I wasn't already part of a force that cannot be defeated.

So, point of this post: I love fasting. I love my family in Christ. I am learning. I am changing. God is doing it all. My Lord is Lord of ALL!
Reece's voice: Amen?


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day Seven, Learning Lessons

So, I have to start off with what's on my heart right now. I have been having a rather heated argument with my roommate. We have differing views on current events, and her standpoint bugs me. Also, I have noticed before, and it continues to happen, when I feel strongly about something, especially something that deals with God, I have a hard time controlling my voice, and my hands shake. I feel so offended and angry, and it's hard to keep my voice inflections in check. So, I don't know what the deal is with that...any insight would be appreciated.

Anyway, today was okay. I felt like I shut off in my own world for a little while, but I straightened up alright.

Felt like my mouth was dry, decided to up my water intake. Otherwise, diet is going fine.

Um, not a bunch to report. Classes. My calculator stopped working. went to the dollar store with Liz-bought tons of stuff, things that will hopefully be a treat to all my fellow 'fasters' out there. Can't wait to fellowship and break bread with my family of believers.

Let me know if there's something you want to know.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Been a couple days guys

Well HULLO there! Missed me? I have missed blogging. So we are on day 6...yeah. Not too many more to go. Still feel pretty well. Okay, on to business.

Sunday, busy as usual:
  1. Church
  2. Hung around at church because we couldn't really go to lunch.
  3. Leadership Meeting
  4. Wal-Mart with Liz
  5. Home for a bit
  6. ENLI
  7. Publix
  8. Home, study with Liz
  9. Bed

Yesterday(Monday) I talked to a girl in my chemistry class and she was feeling a little discouraged because of a grade she had received on an exam. So, God used to me to speak encouragement to her, as well as to give her a Devotional Handbook. SO I stopped by her place Monday and talked with her, she let off some steam, thanked me for the handbook, and looked better. So, yay for God working in me and through me already!

Today, letters...home. Homework. Now.
See, busy busy busy. Sorry guys, my next post will be better. Stay encouraged! I love you all!
Psalm 62:6!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Alright so...

I am feeling a little discouraged. Near tears I think. I mean, I KNOW I'm not supposed to complain or be easily offended, but right now, I just feel like...'crap'. I didn't have a very good fasting experience today, and I'm even feeling weak now, which may account for the emotion-increased heart rate, elevated body temperature, increased acidity of the blood-anyway, I am just not happy right now. Happiness is circumstantial, joy is not. I know and understand that, but shoot I'm irritated. I know at times I expect too much out of people, and I knew what the reaction would be, but man it's still hurtful.

Anyway, not feeling very motivated right now. Ugh, this is stupid. I mean, I know I will be over it very soon, but I am just, ugh, I don't even know. I'm just very stinkin' discontent right now! I guess I should pray, but man I would rather just speak what's on my mind, I can think of AT LEAST 5 scriptures to use-but I can't because my emotion would seep through, and that's not okay. *Deep breath* whatever.

Getting Free-Day Three

So, day 3, the hardest day so far. But it was only hard for a few hours. I went to a get together and there was baked spinach and cheese smelled awesome! Plus other food, cake, fruit, veggies, thinks like that. Anyway, I was fighting tooth and nail-and it worked; although it smelled great, my mouth did not water once.

Plus, thinking about how LESS satisfying it would be if I gave in to please my flesh now, than if I stayed faithful (leaning on God's strength of course) and finished the fast. That thought improved my determination tons. I pondered how many people my broken commitment to God would affect. Thought about how useless and defeated I would feel if I gave in, pleasing the flesh that is ultimately aiming to bring my downfall. In short, God kept me strong.

Today, I had an awesome time with a group of wonderful, beautiful ladies. Katie's Bridal shower was today! I love my life so much! And I love my God even more. Stay strong family! Oops, not sure if I gave a verse for the day. Here's one, sorry it's late: Psalm 55:22. Later!

Okay, I was reminded about this after reading Liz's post: Today, my sugar got pretty low and my hands began to shake. I was shopping with Liz and I felt my knees go weak, and I told her I didn't feel well. Liz bought me a fruit punch, and after drinking it I felt a little better. But I think that was the closest I've ever been to passing out, or at least feeling like I could lose control of my body. If it gets like that again I am gonna have to increase my calorie intake, up the sugar I have, and rest a ton more. Granted, today was a long, long day for me-up at 8am, home at 930pm. When you fast you're supposed to rest more, and I haven't been able to do that-I've had about 11 hours of sleep over the past 3 nights, and I have been fasting for the past 3 days. Just thought I would let you guys know that I know we're not invincible, but our God is! Prayer for a wise decision. Love you all!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Whoop-de-do, Day Two!

Greetings family, how is everyone doing this beautiful day? It was a little chilly this morning, but it has warmed up, to what Collyn says is hot, I think it's great. So, today I am doing alright. I have felt a little hungry, but not enough to even want to eat. I would say MILD discomfort. When I was walking to my roommate a little earlier, my stomach growled something loud, but I don't feel hungry, just slightly dissatisfied, and my God can take care of that.

Here's something cool: I have already had TWO conversations with people who had issues that they had not previous told anyone about...WOW! And I feel that God was able to speak to them by using little ol' me. It's day 2! One last night and another today. God is already using this hollowed out vessel for His perfect Will. I thank God for the humility and wisdom that He is constantly growing in me. I! You guys don't get it. Not even 24 hours in and He's well beyond answering some of my small prayers. Like, if I only slept for 4 hours, praying that I would feel well rested, letting me get up early to study for a test, that people would stop offering me food...(my roommate keeps forgetting and offering me food or inviting me to eat with her at Suwanee)

So, that there proof is WELL-WORTH me feeling hunger for a bit. I'm gonna steal from Rajat and say: In fasting you are basically saying "I'm not going to satisfy myself with food but with God". Amen Brother! Oh, quote of the day Ezekiel 22:30. Pray that that is not true of THIS nation, of THIS campus, of THIS body of believers. Amen? Amen!

Love you all, stay steady. Oh, and I got a text about Praise and Worship at Joel's tonight at 8:30. See you there!

Pure Prayer Info

Hey, this is a list of the prayer direction for the fast, as a reminder to you and also to myself. I took this from Roberto, who got it from Ross...who got it from God. Anywho, enjoy!

  • Revelation of who God is and intimacy with Jesus
  • Deep brokenness and conviction over our sins
  • That people would be set free of bondages and sins that are holding them back
  • For demonic strongholds of religion, sexual immorality, drunkenness and substance abuse to be broken off our campus
  • For waves of repentance and salvation to sweep across our campus
    That Christians and non-Christians would wake up from their spiritual slumber
  • That God would manifest supernaturally through us and to us through dreams, visions, and miracles
  • For Christians to live committed lives to Christ and his kingdom
  • Pray that apathy would be broken off of this generation
  • For a boldness to come on believers at FSU and the fear of man to be broken off
  • Simply put, REVIVAL. That God would show up in a way He never has before at FSU

Save the campus Save the World!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Le Premier Jour

Set scene: God in the presence of His holy angels, Christ the King, and four and twenty elders. Day one of the ENCM 15 days for 15 weeks-fast for FSU revival. The only big G-od, "Well, well, well-what have we here? A group of people called by my Name, fasting, praying, crying out to me to bring revival and salvation to their campus. Hm, well, I guess we'll just see how this pans out."

That's is so what I want. I want God to look down upon this campus, see the light that we are, and test and wait on our faith and determination so that He can see how serious we are and how our hearts break for our campus. Wahoo!

Day one, as everyone is blogging, is going well. I grabbed a V8 (careful, some of them have blended veggies on them!) and I feel pretty good. About to get in the Word, catch a quick snooze and then studying til Rez Week tonight. So, stay strong and stay with God. Oh, verse of the day Psalm 28:6-8. Good stuff. Kay, talk to you guys later.

On your mark, get set...FAST!

So, here we go. Midnight marked the beginning of the longest fast I have ever attempted. I pigged out. Stuffed down more pizza than ever at Hungry Howie's, got a 4 piece chicken nugget kids meal at McDonald's an ate some of a fudge sundae. Ah well, it may be well worth it. But now I have a freezer with strawberry ice cream and yellow cake, and no one who can eat it. *sigh* I'll find something to do with it.

So yeah, I will pray for the strength of us all, please pray for mine. C'mon God! Your humble servants beseech you on behalf of this campus- we want revival! Anyway, I have to go to bed NOW to get up and study in the morning. See you bright and early. Later!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Warning, Very mushy by Liz's standard

*frustrated scream* ahhhhhh!!!
Geez, man, today was a roller coaster, and I'm usually not an emotional person. I am just so ughhh right now. I mean, okay, I'll lay it out as best I can. Here we go:

Okay, so the canceled 'dinner shindig' didn't go over too well. To be honest, I think he acted like a whiny 4-year-old child. And he kept texting me. So I stopped answering them. I don't know, I just felt frustrated and pressured. So, that was upsetting. It was a bad situation from the get-go: he's not a believer, older than me and as far as I know, NOT living the life of a man God would choose for me. I feel so stupid. So, yeah, I was just off today.

And then, after all of this being irritated, I was doing homework and minding my own, until something I have never felt before, and what I can only describe as 'desire' came over me. And I wanted my husband so bad. I wanted him to be the man God called him to be. And I wanted him to be very unlike what I experienced today. But I know what business my Father is in, the soul business, so I threw on some worship music, fast, and began to praise him and turn over that desire. I mean, it was so strong, it almost made me sick. It was overwhelming, I have NEVER felt anything as strong or as intimidating. It was a little scary, it came fast and violent and all I could do was cry out to God for help. I don't think I can write in written words what it felt like. I know I keep going on about it, but man, it was too much for me to handle on my own. So I placed it at the feet of Jesus and worshiped until I couldn't breathe. I love my Lord so much. I thank Him for being the perfect lover of my soul, perfect husband, perfect friend.

So then I went to Rez Week and praised my heart out with some family in the faith. Even then I had a slightly difficult time not thinking about that feeling. I kept seeing the face of the one God has for me, and it was a B-A-T-T-L-E to act out 2 Corinthians 10:5. I mean, I had to pray every few moments, and I was quoting that scripture like mad. Praise God for His holy Word. Hallelujah in the highest for having every situation addressed.

Okay, so, this post has the mushy stuff Liz accused me of posting, but this is the first one!

Oh, one more thing:
Husband, if you're reading this, know that I am even more dedicated to waiting for you. Know that I pray for you. Know that I will try harder not to give away even a hint of affection that belongs to you.

Done. sorry if that was TMI.

Man, that was DUMB!

Now I'm running to your mountain, where your mercy sets me free. You are my STRONG TOWER! EVERLASTING KING!

I know I am, running top speed. So, you ever do something that seems pretty okay, but after you've done it, this thought runs through your head : That was DUMB!

Well, as I shared with my life group last night, I have. The one i told them about was when i was trying to move the mattress of my bed to be better situated on the frame. Well, I didn't want to get off the bed, so I just grabbed the top of the mattress and tried to use my body and weight to move the mattress forward a few inches...Then my fingers slipped, the mattress didn't move, and I slammed the top of my head on the wall. Immediately thinking..."That was DUMB!"

Well, now my story is a little different, but with the same ending thought. Someone asked to take me to dinner for my birthday. Okay-Red Flag. Yeah, I ignored it. So then, one of my friends is a little confused as to why it will just be the two of us. That flag holder is frantic now. Hmm, fast forward to the next day. One of my brothers (in Christ) says "You're going on a date?!" And I implode. My excuses and explanations falling well short of defending a 'just friends' get together. God is now jumping up and down, going "Look at me baby! I'm flagging you! You told me to let you know. Hey! Over here! PAY ATTENTION!"

So, I call my Mom, talk to Liz(who was surprised I didn't pray about it first-thanks sister!), and consult God, finally. Why did it take me so long to go to Him? Oh, probably because I knew what that result would be. Yeah, pretty shocked I accepted the invitation. You know the line by now "Man...that was DUMB!" So anyway, now I see all the flags God threw at me. I'm so thankful that He's interested in every aspect of my life. Praise God for keeping me from making mistakes. Whew! Glad I got that off my chest.

Don't worry, I am going nowhere but to praise my God and hear His word preached tonight. Amen to God keeping me. Amen to being obedient (and sooner next time). Amen for my brothers and sisters. HALLELUJAH to my Lord, God and King.

(Sorry I went a little CAP crazy this post. But I had to get it out there.)

Oh, saw my husband's face again today. Nice looking guy.

Monday, March 24, 2008

More to come...

So, remember the friend from a few posts back? Well, he came to church with me on Easter and said he was really glad he came and that he enjoyed the service. Praise God!

He(my friend) seems to understand Christianity much better now. (This one's for you Liz, I almost put 'a lot better'.) He doesn't doubt that Jesus was fully God and fully man, I praise God for this. Prayer works! Keep it coming Lord!

Moving on, my church was giving away books titled "The Case for Easter." So i grabbed one and gave it to him. Crossing my fingers he's touched by God speaking through the book. Anywho, I have started a topic called 'Lost and Found' and here I will put all of my updates about those who I personally know that are lost, seeking, and/or found. Stay tuned, should be a fun ride. Continuing to walk in faith. My God is MAJESTIC!

Glory Glory Glory!

Lust, Love and Leaving it to God

So, yours truly, is having a bit of a dilemma. I am satisfied with my Lord. I am continually learning what His love really means and how deep it is.

But one of the things I want is to have a family. I know that God will bring it about (according to His will, of course), and I'm not impatient, but I catch myself thinking about my future husband. Not that that's a bad thing. And I'm not obsessing or anything. I just really want to be completely sold out for Christ before I even begin to accept the affections of another. Anyway, moral of the post, I want to stop thinking about my romance life with a man, and focus on the One who is currently enraptured with me.

I also feel that God showed me my husband's face, so throw that you see my trouble? I feel like I've seen my husband, want a family pretty badly, yet don't feel ready to deal with a marriage right now.

But something one of my friends opened my eyes to is the fact that maybe that thought is supposed to be there, just hanging out in the back of my head. So, please add me to your prayer list: that I can balance between focusing on God and preparing to be the wife God would have me be-without getting distracted by my future beloved.

Make sense? I have of course been bringing it to God's throne continually, but a little extra prayer goes a long way in this Kingdom.

Okay, coming to a close...Help.

15 days for 15 weeks

Can I get a "Hallelujah!" for God's awesome timing? As a campus ministry, Rossy Ross has called a fast, 15 days for the 15 weeks of Fall semester.

Now, one of the things my parents didn't like about me fasting was that I have sort of tough classes and exams. Well, during the whole 15 days, I have only a few tests, in Spanish, easily my least difficult course...Can I get another "Hallelujah!" I mean, wow, He really is completely sovereign. He cares about the intimate details of our lives much more than we do. Man I love my God. Testimony after testimony.

Anyway, we will be fasting for God to come to Florida State University in power. With signs, wonders, salvation, revelation and miraculous healings. We believe the message that God put on Ross's heart "15 days for 15 weeks" and will be praying that God not only does a clean sweep of FSU, but also leaves His Presence for generations to come.

Um, if I find out how to hyperlink Ross's blog to mine, I will, otherwise here is the website.

Lord send Your mercy and Spirit to my campus! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

God doesn't TALK to you!

One more thing...

So, I have been doing a mini fast with a friend. I was asking for 2 main things. One of them was for God to give me something to do, a guideline to follow with a friend who is not a part of the Kingdom. Well, yesterday, guess who had a little chit-chat with me while reading the Word. Yep, God Himself! And He told me a clear course of action for now.

So, I am in search of anyone who knows of, or has, an overview of the Bible that breaks down the Bible into topical sections. Like, a book that will give every Scripture related to say the prophecy of Christ, why Christians believe what they do, Marriage, all that stuff. Once I get that, that will be coupled with a Bible and handed over with prayer behind it. So, if you can help, let me know! Thanks in advance. God is so cool! We're best friends forever you know...



Yelloooo to the blogging world. I, yours truly, have just found out what minor I want. I am going to pursue a minor in Child Development. I like kids, I may work with kids, and kids are everywhere. Also, plan on having some of my own, so yeah.

Oh, guess what? I plan on going on my FIRST missions trip this summer. To Baja, Mexico. I am very excited. I wonder what God's going to do in my life so that I can be of any use during the trip...only what I let Him right? Well, I give Him full range, a carte blanche to make Lexi useful for the Kingdom. So yeah, my first time trying to raise support and a team, but I have no fear, for God is with me. Hey, if you don't get a letter, you can still support me!

Anyway, I am done with my classes for the day. Just gonna maybe do some more laundry, read my Bible and then do some pre-final flash cards or something. Oh, I have some chemistry homework and I need to read my lab manual for the quiz tomorrow. But other than that, I am DONE! Well, gonna grab some lunch.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Read Your Bible!!!

How many times have we heard that? Well, it is actually one of the greatest things you could do with your free time. Here's a few reasons why:

1. It keeps you from looking at all the CRAP on the internet, including struggles or impure websites.
2. When people reference Scripture, or you hear a Christian song, you know for yourself that it came from the Bible.
3. Gives you a better clarity into some of the things Christians have and why. (joy, peace, etc.)
4. Dude, God wrote you a book...that's just cool.
5. God will speak to you through it. Maybe from reading a story, or the words of Jesus.
6. It is a literal Handbook for Life and Decision Making.
7. There are instances of pretty much every situation in the Bible. Precedents have been set, we just have to find and follow them.
8. You can say "I JUST read that!" and mean it.
9. There is an entire book on wisdom.
10. It's the ultimate truth, and it is steady. You can go to it and ignore everything else you hear from the world or others.

Okay, so that was slightly more than a few, but you get the idea. And reading it every day, at about the same time, is what is called a 'Devotional'. Devotional time is just committing time, energy, and attention to God. Whether praying, reading the Bible, worshiping, speaking Scripture out loud(confessing Scripture) or all of the above. It's pretty important to spend time with God every day. I mean, when you're in love with someone, you kind of like hanging out with them. Even if you just like to be around someone, you try to enjoy their company as much as possible, right? Well, God wants to spend time with you. At any time you have God's undivided attention. Cool? Oh yeah.

And if you aren't sure what to say to God, just start talking. (Prayer is talking to God)Talk about the weather, your classes, your job, your day, family. Anything. Just hearing your voice and having your attention is what He wants. Tell Him about your problems, your issues, pet-peeves. Whatever. He is enraptured by you. He thinks you're the coolest person next to Jesus. Spend some time with Him.

Read your Bible with renewed vigor today. Ask God to show you something as you read. Talk to Him all the time. Find something you want to learn about and read up. I've heard the Bible called a 66 book love letter. Read your Beloved's passionate, inspiring, loving letter today.


Monday, March 17, 2008

LG-Joy Part 2

So...Life Group. Um, I guess it went well. I feel like I talked way too much, but eh, I'm still learning. We had 4 girls and then the 3 leaders, the usual crowd. It was a semi-difficult lesson to teach. I could see that understanding the difference between happiness and joy was hard to grasp. I also feel like I dominated the lesson, which is fine, but I'll try to work out double-teaming better with my other leader(one of them is leaving). So yeah, working on it. Haha. Perfect.

Anyway, I think it went okay. I hope they got it. We dabbed into spiritual warfare and salvation and identity. All in all, a fun-filled night. Pointers welcome.

I love my LG.


I enjoy leading. I like having answers. And my group of girls, though inconsistent, are very fun when they pay attention. Tonight the lesson is Joy. Pray that God speaks through me and guides me. I'm excited for it. Give you guys an update later! Oh, and my roommate has a headache, pray for her to feel better. Okay, bye for real now.

Been a while eh?

Wow. So, wow. I forgot all about this page. Okay, hopefully I can remember and do it faithfully, maybe once a week. Anyway, I have so much to spill that has happened over the past 8ish months.
Um, well, for starters, I have become a member of the most exciting church I've ever been to. I love Every Nation Tallahassee. I see God working in the lives of every pastor. And the pastors, by the way, are pretty awesome as well. The worship is always filled with the presence of God, the messages relevant to EVERY walk of life, and the people are *kiss fingertips* perfecto!. I have learned and been challenged and grown as a result of my church, and I wouldn't change it for any other.
Personally, I've broken through some crazy barriers, changed how I identified myself, and met other college students honestly walking out the life of the narrow path set before them. That may be a lot for a second post. But it's what I got right now. I'm excited for responses. Oh, and some of our fantastic campus ministers on this site as well. Soon as I get their permission I'll post their links. Meanwhile, gonna do some Spanish then hit the hay. G'night!
