Saturday, April 5, 2008

Day Nine, Feelin' Fine

I gotta tell you guys the vision God showed me as I began to pray around 4pm today. I was talking to God about my mission trip this summer, how NOTHING could ever make me doubt my security in Christ, absolutely nothing(I know it’s a strong statement). And to give me more of Him, more gifts, to stop limiting my faith, and this is what He showed me.

*Quotations=God. No quotes=me. Parentheses=what I saw*

“Alexia, you’re in a car on a highway. You’re speeding, but just above the speed limit. Those around you are going 200, 250 (mph) and you’re just over 100. What’s wrong with that?”

(I see my car, going about normal speed, but there are cars going around me, so fast I can barely see their color, just more than a blur.)

They’re going faster than me.


Because their Word is their fuel. The more they read it, the more goes into their gas tank, the faster they are able to go for longer amounts of time.

“Exactly. So what do you need to do?”

Read my Word more, so I can get more fuel, so I can go faster.

“Right. So you can all be going the same speed. “

(I see a line of cars, straight across, racing rapidly ahead, all lined up perfectly with each other)

“Then, My daughter, you can all stand and fight together against Satan for me, all able to fill each others tanks because you’re so close, all able to notice when another is slowing down, always able to keep your tanks full, because you’re pushing each other on. In a family like this, child, none will be left behind. Write it down.”

Yes, Sir.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Narrow Gate, Day Eight

Yo ho ho! How is everyone today? Swell I hope. Well, I am, I am JOYFUL. I heard an awesome on fire message from one of my brothers, Derek, and finished all of my homework, all before midnight! Haha! Praise God! You know, along with all that God is moving and changing inside of me, I am learning to appreciate the small things. Like genuine smiles, love from my brothers and sisters, security in my Messiah, something sweet on my tongue, comfort and warmth. I realize the luxury it is to eat when you're hungry. The effect a hug has on my mood. Can I just take a moment to be honest?

I cherish every member of my Every Nation Family. From crazy Susan, out-there Ross, funny Donny to encouraging Roberto, shy Joel, awesome-accent Donna. I mean, ALL OF YOU are such a blessing to me. Every single one of you God is using to teach me something, ways I can improve, mannerisms to drop, verses to memorize. I appreciate the rebukes, the questions, the odd looks to some things I say. You are all amazingly fantastic and I love what God is doing in you!

Okay, so, I have been having a blast on this fast. I've walked into a few delicious smells, and had to run away. Haha. But otherwise, I feel fine and I know that God is moving in me. I don't know, this is fun to me. Yeah, I want solid food, but it's not a very big deal. I don't know, fasting is hard, but I like it. The results and the process. I think that's because I used to be bad at processes and order of events, because my life was glazed over due to the fact that I wasn't living the life God called me to, and I was denying Him lordship over my life-so everything was a haze. Wow that was a long sentence. But yeah, so I enjoy all aspects of fasting, minus having to take it slowly afterward-but even in that I like being forced to moderate my actions. I LIVE for structure. I love set rules and procedures. Like medicine, I may not be ready for every case that comes in, but 9 time out of 10, there will be a procedure to follow, a way to wash my hands, papers to fill out, specific protective gear to wear, predictable. If I didn't feel like crying when someone yells at me, I would make an excellent soldier. I love dedication, being enveloped by my task, and doing repetitive things. So, the military would be for me, if I wasn't already part of a force that cannot be defeated.

So, point of this post: I love fasting. I love my family in Christ. I am learning. I am changing. God is doing it all. My Lord is Lord of ALL!
Reece's voice: Amen?


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day Seven, Learning Lessons

So, I have to start off with what's on my heart right now. I have been having a rather heated argument with my roommate. We have differing views on current events, and her standpoint bugs me. Also, I have noticed before, and it continues to happen, when I feel strongly about something, especially something that deals with God, I have a hard time controlling my voice, and my hands shake. I feel so offended and angry, and it's hard to keep my voice inflections in check. So, I don't know what the deal is with that...any insight would be appreciated.

Anyway, today was okay. I felt like I shut off in my own world for a little while, but I straightened up alright.

Felt like my mouth was dry, decided to up my water intake. Otherwise, diet is going fine.

Um, not a bunch to report. Classes. My calculator stopped working. went to the dollar store with Liz-bought tons of stuff, things that will hopefully be a treat to all my fellow 'fasters' out there. Can't wait to fellowship and break bread with my family of believers.

Let me know if there's something you want to know.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Been a couple days guys

Well HULLO there! Missed me? I have missed blogging. So we are on day 6...yeah. Not too many more to go. Still feel pretty well. Okay, on to business.

Sunday, busy as usual:
  1. Church
  2. Hung around at church because we couldn't really go to lunch.
  3. Leadership Meeting
  4. Wal-Mart with Liz
  5. Home for a bit
  6. ENLI
  7. Publix
  8. Home, study with Liz
  9. Bed

Yesterday(Monday) I talked to a girl in my chemistry class and she was feeling a little discouraged because of a grade she had received on an exam. So, God used to me to speak encouragement to her, as well as to give her a Devotional Handbook. SO I stopped by her place Monday and talked with her, she let off some steam, thanked me for the handbook, and looked better. So, yay for God working in me and through me already!

Today, letters...home. Homework. Now.
See, busy busy busy. Sorry guys, my next post will be better. Stay encouraged! I love you all!
Psalm 62:6!