Wednesday, June 3, 2009

These are my Confessions...

I wrote this yesterday, while thinking about my current situation and what I needed to do to reconcile myself back to my Dad. Sorry if you don't understand all of it. I already read it to God, so He's okay with me sharing it. Haha.

Here goes:

Lord, I'm sorry that I need you
yet give you none of me.
I apologize for ignoring you
though you are who set me free.
And I wish I did not need you, Lord.
Believe me, this is true.
Because then I wouldn't harm you, Lord.
My sins would not be grieving you.
I confess my sins to you, O God
and lay it down before your feet.
I am ashamed to say, today, O God
that many of them repeat.
For the lusting thoughts, O God
for the joking of the ring
I turned my heart to a new man.
I turned away from you, my King.
I get so caught up in the thoughts
of dreaming of what is ahead
that I don't choose the narrow path,
bring a stranger to my Lover's bed.
And I have visions of you, God,
things I can dwell on in truth.
Like learning not to run away
from the Husband of my youth.
Do not let these sins remain.
Do not allow me to contain
gifts that power give domain
and from bragging, I don't refrain.
Deal with me as you see fit.
Your kingdom, I'm a part of it
But, in judgement, remember this...
Turn the page. I'm on the list.

Any comments?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Preparing for a life group, Summer 2009

Chapter 2: Who is Esther?

Esther was:

A captive

An orphan

Beautiful: lovely in both form and features-her physical traits AND how she held herself-form

There for at least 4 years!


full of favor from God-Hegai gave her 7 maids and the best room in the place!

(devout in her faith)

Obedient-to Mordecai, did not reveal her family background

Open to suggestions on how to improve-wore only what Hegai suggested, and it worked!

In good care: though her own parents were dead, she was obedient to the father God had provided her. He took care of her from childhood and walked, every day, back and forth to see how she was doing. 4 years!

Made queen-given a crown and a royal position

Honored by her king-even though he did not believe as she did, he honored her because of who she was

Given a great banquet and a holiday-it is likely that she appeared at the feast after the coronation, maybe receiving the praise of obedience where Vashti had taken the blot of disobedience

Humble-she gave credit to Mordecai

Still obedient to the father of her youth

Chapter 3: What we don't want