Friday, April 11, 2008


I read Ezekiel 12 because I asked God for a verse to meditate on and that is what He gave me. I read a verse that said "I did as I was commanded." And right before that I read Joel's post about using our voices when told to.

God spoke to me, but all I can remember Him saying is this: "Child, don't panic. I am with you. I want you to dream a dream. Of things to come. You will be a sign."


I lay back and try to clear my mind. I see a mental image of what I just read in Ezekiel, then my mind wanders to Rush Hour 3, and I try to clear it. As I try to push those images out of my mind, I see two men, clothed in white, and standing tall picking up and throwing/shoving things to the side, clearing my mind for me, until it is just them in a straight white path ahead of me and they stand together and speak as one voice "Son of Man, your city will be shaken, your city will be rocked, and the Lord God will show Himself with signs and wonders. The promptings of the Spirit will be heavy upon you, and you will do as you are commanded. You will speak when told to speak, and be silent when told to keep silent. As you have made a covenant to the Lord, you are now called to fulfill it. This day, we call heaven and earth as witnesses against you. Do not break the covenant with the Lord your God."

Then they raised their hands towards me, and said, "Be careful to do as you are commanded. God be with you."

Wow, that is a heavy promise. As they were speaking about heaven and earth I was scared. What a great witness against me. I know this was a word from God, so please, if I post this, pray for me and give any feedback you can. I love MY GOD! Hallelujah. He reigns!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So real it's surreal

Well, this is it, the final 18 hours. Man, feels strange. Now that I know I am eating soon, my body is screaming for food. I always find the last moments to be the hardest. Which means that I will be praying over my own food at Crispers, just to be sure. Haha. I am excited. I can't wait to take a seat, sit still, and just wonder at all that God has taught me and done in or through me during these last 15 days. To tell you the truth, I was never worried whether or not I would be able to make it 15 days, they flew by; What I was thinking of was-what am I going to want to eat when I finish? Anyway, be encouraged! This is the final stretch! Don't forget to pray extra hard-Thursday stands for finals week of Fall semester! I love you all very much. Gonna do homework and sleep as much as I can.

What my life comes down to:
Love my Lord, obey my Master, serve my King

Okay, so, I just have to share this

Alright, I know Liz did a post on chivalry, but I just gotta let you guys know about this.

Today, I was on Renegade (one of the campus buses) and I was sitting in one of the seats in the very back. Well, the bus got pretty full pretty quick, so people were standing in the aisle. Well, there were mostly men standing, but there were also quite a bit of ladies as well. Anyway, ONE guy got up and offered his seat to a girl. ONE! And no others followed suit. But anyway, my jaw about hit the floor. I wanted to give him a hearty pat on the back.

Point, I should not have been shocked. I should always want to show my support of his action, but I was very annoyed that more men did not get up and offer their seats to a woman. I mean, guys are all 'big, bad and stronger', well, give up your seat to the 'weaker sex'. This post has no real reason except to say that I commend him. And he was SHORT, so he could barely reach the overhead poles, so he hung onto the back of the seats...WOW!

*side note: I slipped a piece of paper in a pocket of his book bag praising him and awarding him man points for that-just so he knows it wasn't unnoticed.

I hope every other male on that bus was embarrassed(excluding the cripple, of course). It upsets me when men are not gentlemen. I have given up my seat for other women. Man up, males. Stand up!

I would have been proud to call that guy my friend in that moment. Bravo, stranger. Bravo!

Sorry, got carried away. Done.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Maybe you've heard this one before

So, after reading Joel's post, I was like: God, can I have a vision?

He answered, "Sure" and began to speak to me. I bowed my head down and listened.

* " "= God speaking* *anything else=me*

"There is a small tree by a stream. It had been planted for a while, but had not grown because no one was there to water it. One day, a small cloud came along, and watered the little tree. The tree began to grow. The cloud came back every day, and the little tree kept growing. One day, when the tree was about the size of a man, the cloud did not come. The tree waited another day, and yet the cloud did not come. Thirsty and growing weak, the tree pushed, strained, and grew one of its roots until it reached water. The tree received water from that root, and was satisfied. But only after 2 days, the tree was no longer satisfied with just receiving water from one root,, so it stretched another root in the same direction as the first, and was satisfied with two. But after a few days, 2 roots were still not enough. So the tree reached ALL of it's roots to the same place the first 2 roots had gone. Finding that all of it's roots were able to reach water, the tree realized that a flowing river that seemed to have no end was next to it all the time. And the tree could drink it's fill, never going without, continually able to satisfy it's ever-increasing thirst."

"Do you now what this means?"

Um, kind of. The tree is me, the cloud is Jesus, wait, the stream is...

"The tree is the young believer. The cloud are the spiritual nursers, as with a small child, an infant yet to be weaned. The stream is My Son, Jesus."

And the stream was there the whole time, able to be reached, if only we could realized it. Huh. God, can I just have a vision a day.

"Sure. You just need to listen."