Monday, March 24, 2008

15 days for 15 weeks

Can I get a "Hallelujah!" for God's awesome timing? As a campus ministry, Rossy Ross has called a fast, 15 days for the 15 weeks of Fall semester.

Now, one of the things my parents didn't like about me fasting was that I have sort of tough classes and exams. Well, during the whole 15 days, I have only a few tests, in Spanish, easily my least difficult course...Can I get another "Hallelujah!" I mean, wow, He really is completely sovereign. He cares about the intimate details of our lives much more than we do. Man I love my God. Testimony after testimony.

Anyway, we will be fasting for God to come to Florida State University in power. With signs, wonders, salvation, revelation and miraculous healings. We believe the message that God put on Ross's heart "15 days for 15 weeks" and will be praying that God not only does a clean sweep of FSU, but also leaves His Presence for generations to come.

Um, if I find out how to hyperlink Ross's blog to mine, I will, otherwise here is the website.

Lord send Your mercy and Spirit to my campus! Amen! Amen! Amen!

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