Monday, April 14, 2008

Yes yes yes!

Guess who received some awesome prophecies tonight? Yep, the whole LG gang! We invited some strong women, April and Amy to help us prophecy over our members, and man were we on a roll. I had never conducted a prophecy night before, but I love how the Holy Spirit was with us for over 3 hours and we merely had to ask. I heard some great words about humility, my future in ministering to women, and all kinds of crazy stuff. Praise God! I am super excited! I love Him! Do you? Thank you to Amy Middleton for coming and sharing her faith with us. Thank you to Ross Middleton for sharing his wife with us. And thank you to the Middleton boys, for donating their mother for a few hours. Thank you April Lupo for letting God use you! I love you all!

later family!


Amy Middleton said...

aww! thanks for the shout out...God is good! by the way, you got on here fast! i just dropped you off girl! :)

Working on it said...

anytime amy! oh, and i teleported, that's how i was able to get it done so fast. haha! glad to see you got home safely. see you thursday.