Saturday, August 16, 2008

What's YOUR problem?

Many times, when we hear this phrase, we are immediately on the defensive, ready to rebut with "I don't have a problem. What's your problem?"

But my question to you tonight is: What is your problem? Where does your struggle lie? What keeps you from being honest with your Creator?

My problem, would have to be selfishness. From my sins to my song choices, it's all about me. I was actually pretty convicted about this, to the point that I changed my facebook profile picture because the shirt I was wearing said: It's all about me.

So, child of majesty, where does your problem lie? What is binding you to a complacency with a missed mark? What past issue, disobedience, person, or pastime prevents a greater intimacy with the King?

I read a verse today in James, that said if a believer didn't have wisdom, he should ask for it, because God would freely give it, if he does not doubt.

I beseech you, Brother, I earnestly ask you, Sister, to ask God for wisdom in your life. Ask Him to reveal why you haven't grown in 2 months, ask Him what you can do to make your witness more powerful. Inquire of the Lord what His good, pleasing, and perfect will is. Stand before the throne and ask God who you should be pouring your life into, praying for, checking up on.

This may seem unrelated to you, but if I only speak to one, if I only speak to myself, I will have listened to the gentle nudging of my Lord, and be working in the covenant I made with the One who breaks no promises.

I love you all. See you very, very soon. Hugs all around!

As said from a previous post:
What my life boils down to: Love my Lord, Obey my Master, Serve my King.

Goodnight, saints.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Wow...My Savior. My Savior. He's amazing.

While showering, I had to be honest with myself. All the scrubbing in the world could not wash away the dirt and shame that I felt. No amount of soap, or designer shampoo would get rid of the feeling of darkness over me. I could soak in rubbing alcohol and dry off with a Brillo pad, and it would be to no avail. Only the precious, perfect, powerful blood of the perfect Lamb, Jesus Christ, can remove my dirty sins.

You know, sometimes it's hard for me to get over my stereotypes.
I have 2 examples, one, of the mindset that Mexican are dirty people. I heard it so much in America, that, before I could go on my mission trip, God had to deal with me. I had to practice saying the word 'Mexican'. I had to intentionally change my view. It was hard, and even now I have to stop and check what I'm saying or thinking about any group-because it's never true of a majority.
The other example would be prayer. I have always been under the influence that prayer MUST be solemn, and very serious. As a Christian acknowledging Jesus as Lord, and not just Savior, it's a pretty daunting thing to tackle. I, even now, consciously tell myself that Prayer=talking to God. If I don't, I find myself putting off prayer because I am not somewhere quiet, completely shut of from the world. I am in no wise saying that prayer can not be done in those settings, but it's not mandatory. There won't always be times where we can go off and just pray. There will be times where we will be forced to pray where we stand. If you hear nothing else, hear this: Prayer is talking to your best, most intimate, favorite Friend ever, who just happens to hold your life and soul in His hands. Yes, prayer will be solemn. But prayer is communication in the most important relationship of your earthly existence. Talk to God. Prayer is just talking to God, you can even smile. Enjoy talking to God, He does.

Sorry that was such a chunk. What I really came to write this blog about was a tangent of surrender. While having a revelation overload, I saw a picture of myself, if you will. And I was saying this to Jesus, :
Lord, I want to be completely under your control. I sacrifice myself right now, at the altar. I want you to guide me. Lord, I want to say, "I've picked up my cross Lord. Where to? I want to be so full of you that everyone I meet will forget my name and remember Yours. That they will not remember what I said, but know that You spoke to them. That they would be drawn to You. That they will know that You exist, and You love them."

I don't know guys, I am just so full of God right now.

Another thing, it says somewhere in 1 Peter, that we should always be ready to given an account for the joy that we have, but to do it with gentleness and respect. And I was just practicing what I would say on God (Excellent audience if I may say so), and it went something like this.
That someone, like the early church, would grab me, and ask me what was different about me. And I would respond in a likewise manner, "I am at a place in my life where I have someone who cares for me. He makes sure that I have something to eat, somewhere to go, someone to talk to. He insures that I am never alone. He always does what is best for me. He completely rules my life, and yet He is not controlling. He advises me in all things, but forces me to do nothing. I have no problem serving Him, no qualms with doing as He wishes, because He has never thought twice about sacrificing everything for me. He gave up all of His comfort to be with me. He was beaten, made fun of, spit on, and killed for me, but he never opened His mouth to defend Himself. He endured ridicule and hatred, just so He could have a relationship with me." At this point I would probably be shaking my head, then I would add, "And He wants the same peace of mind, and relationship with you, as I have with Him. Jesus Christ, Son of God, aches for your heart to beat for Him. He desires to lavish His love on you, as He does on all those who acknowledge Him. Would you like to know how to obtain that love?"

Lengthy, I know, but I am hard-pressed to describe my King in less words. Family, I love you all. Operate in your gifts-God knows what He's doing. Trust Him-even when you don't have to. That's it for this princess.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What's up withchu?

Yo yo yo!
I have lots to tell all of you. So, I'm going to do a very brief synopsis of it all.

Prayer: My prayer life has not been my shining glory lately. It's been pretty good, don't get me wrong, but I feel like I didn't pray for some things that God definitely could have used to build my testimony and show me his great power. My devotional time has been a hard fight, and I have yet to back down-nor will I ever.

Visions and such: So, some of you may know that I have seen angels before. And of those few, few others know that I continue to see one angel in particular. Well, I've seen him again, and this time I think I know his name.
Also, had a dream last night, a really, really scary dream. The gist of it was: There were demons trying to kill my soul, and get me to let this use my body to do their dirty work. It wasn't until after I thought about it this morning when I woke up that I realized it. So, guess who's now really on guard. Thank God for His merciful updates.

Schoolin': I worked ~ 25 hours a week at Krispy Kreme while taking 2 classes and moving...twice. Anywho, I was taking a First Aid class, and Trigonometry. I worked hard in my classes and at my job. God rewarded me with TWO A's! (Oh, I can't seem to locate my First Aid certification card, please pray that I find it.)
And in the coming Fall: I will be taking a 3rd Spanish course, Organic Chemistry, Genetics, a class for my child sciences minor, and, again, Biology II Lab-Animal Diversity. Please pray for me brothers and sisters, that I can be excellent in everything for our King.

Recap: Well, that was pretty much it. I can't wait to see all of you again. I'll be coming down the 20th or 21st, so can I get some ground control for safe traveling please?

I am so much better at asking for prayer nowadays. Praise God people!

Psalm 40.

love you all.
