Friday, April 3, 2009

So, this is fun

I have some rather superficial news:
  1. I think I may have finally developed a crush on someone.
  • Now how substantiated or serious this crush is is yet to be determined.
  • Hm, it's just really weird. It's been over 2 years since my last relationship, and just as long since I've been interested in anyone.
  • It's fun though.
  • I don't dissolve into giggles around him, if you're wondering.
  • I just enjoy his presence.
  • Enjoy his smile.
  • I wonder...

Well, let's just see what happens next...


Kimberly said...

Maybe you've found your Derek?

Working on it said...

that WOULD be awesome! But, eh, who knows? And just think, some day, everyone will understand that comment, when you blow up and become famous and all.