Thursday, May 28, 2009

Weigh In


"How can we convince them to take the medicine if we can’t convince them they are sick? Sin destroys…that is part of our message."

I saw this quote in response to another blog.

From any corner, view and issue you want to take it from, tell me your thoughts on this quote.

I'll blog about it in a few days myself.


Anonymous said...

Sin should definitely be part of the message, but convincing? I'd say that is mostly up to God giving revelation. But we should definitely tell the truth... sin is sin.

Crystalenee said...

I think a lot of times we don't realize how big of an impact sin has. We say "sin is bad" but the people we're talking to miss why it's bad or just how fatal it is. At the same time I think we have to balance it- why sin is so detrimental to our life and that just as terrible as sin is- that is how wonderful God's love and grace are. That's why as we witness with our lives we don't just abstain from doing wrong; but we strive to do good. Our message is always two fold, I think. Not just that you must not do something bad, but that you are leaving it to do something good because God has better to offer- the relationship with Him that we live in day in and day out.